About the project
The project SafeEngine is a Strategic Partnership concerned on the development of innovative tools for engineering higher education sector, supporting the improvement of some learning outcomes-oriented curricula that better meet the learning needs of students, while also being relevant for the labour market and for the wider society.
The European engineering institutions, as well as international employers of engineers, are asking to the hired engineers to have some knowledge of their professional tasks for managing risk. On the other and, the extent to which this information is available in the engineering branches is difficult to quantify or audit. Additionally, the principles and training of health and safety are critical points to the engineering industry. The reality of our days shows that many young engineers are leaving university with an inadequate understanding of concepts regarding health, safety and social inclusion in the workplace.
In this context, the general objective of the project is the development, test and implementation of 4 stackable course modules for engineering development training programmes that are answering to society needs and environmental health and workplace safety requirements. Practically, throughout the project implementation, specific knowledge (occupational health and safety, environmental risk assessment, safety in process industries and social inclusion of peoples with disabilities in the workplace) will tackle the current skills gaps of engineers that partner universities are preparing.
The Specific Objectives of the Project are:
- Development and implementation of 4 stackable e-learning course modules and related practical works with open online access
- The development of best practices, common standards and guidelines for designing and making e-learning courses
- Testing the innovative practices developed in the framework of SafeEngine project through innovative ICT technologies and mutual learning
- Dissemination and Exploitation of project results
SafeEngine project is targeted for students, young engineers, as well, professors. The program will include innovative and original tools to assess easier the new information provided throughout trainings, webinars, workshops, multiplier events and at the end of the program a summer school in Italy. The learning modules will include important approach in the following subjects:
- Workplace social inclusion
- Environmental risk assessment
- Safety in process industries
- Occupational health and safety
SafeEngine project addresses the EU priority in the national context named “Social inclusion”, through an innovative and integrated approach. Integration of specific knowledge regarding workplace social inclusion, occupational health and safety and environmental risk assessment make that the proposed project to have results and potential long-term impact as:
- increasing of the acceptance of future engineers towards social inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace
- people with special needs’ inclusion in labour market
- raising awareness of health and safety at workplace
- enriching students’ knowledge in environmental risk assessment
The project partners are: University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (RO), Romania, University of Malaga (ES), “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (RO) and University of Naples Federico II (IT). SafeEngine project started with December 1st, 2020 and will run for 30 months.
Transnational project meetings
Within SafeEngine, transnational project meetings were held at the start and end of the project. Three additional Transnational Meetings took place in Spain, Italy, and Romania during the project’s implementation. The main goals of the transnational meetings were to coordinate and synchronize project activities, avoid issues that might have slowed down project progress, and discuss the project’s implementation’s next steps.