
As the society evolves, mindset and technology strive to keep up with it. Our solution for the fast-growing society is the necessity of considering INCLUSION, CURIOSITY and SAFETY. Maybe here comes the question, why are they for?
Firstly, throughout INCLUSION we motivate future engineers to understand different invisible challenges and through that to open their heart onto being part of improving the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society.
Secondly, CURIOSITY is the key point to information and versatility. And last, but not least, SAFETY is helping us to develop a sustainable connection between research, development, and engineering, and to support in this way their success.
In a complex fast-paced world of soundbites, different opinions, and information overloaded, we have tried, and we succeeded to provide something different: educational approaches and activities delving deep and shifting perspectives. We share information to all interested in workplace inclusion, health and safety and environmental protection. What links all these subjects is our approach that was used during the project implementation. Through evidence-based analysis, original thinking, and powerful storytelling (case studies), we aspire to inspire more and more from the engineering generations to follow our path.
Below are the most important outcomes of SafEngine project:
- More than 25 professors from four different European universities (University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Romania, University of Naples – Federico II, Italy, and University of Malaga, Spain) participated to the Short-term joint staff training events organized in three different countries, enriching their knowledge, and having the opportunity to understand in depth what are the arguments for which certain aspects that are found in the developed course modules should be introduced in the courses they teaching in their universities.
- 118 students attended the online courses having access to knowledge that is not definitely found in the courses of the faculty from which they came at the time of their participation in the SafeEngine project
- 60 students have passed the exams: 15 students from UPB, 9 students from UMA, 26 students from ULBS, and 10 students from UNINA
- 25 students participated to the Winter School in Naples, Italy: 7 students from UPB, 7 students from UMA, 7 students from ULBS, and 4 students from UNINA
Remarkable results can be found below:
- Training Methodology for Online Learning: here
- 4 Stack able Modular Open Online Courses :
- SPI Course
- Syllabus: here
- Presentations: here
- .text files: here
- quiz: here
- video lessons:
- SPI course 1. Part1: here
- SPI course 1. Part2: here
- SPI course 2. Part1: here
- SPI course 2. Part2: here
- SPI course 3. Part1: here
- SPI course 3. Part2: here
- SPI course 4. Part1: here
- SPI course 4. Part2: here
- SPI course 5. Part1: here
- SPI course 5. Part2: here
- SPI course 6. Part1: here
- SPI course 6. Part2: here
- SPI course 7. Part1: here
- SPI course 7. Part2: here
- SPI course 8. Part1: here
- SPI course 8. Part2: here
- SPI course 8. Part1: here
- SPI course 8. Part2: here
- SPI Course
- 4 E-books:
- Videos showing practical works correlated with the course modules:
- ERA course
- OHS course
- WSI course
- SPI course
- Evaluation method for Student’s Assessment in Teaching and eLearning Activities: here